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Biggie Small

It should be noted that, despite regular protests, I don't tend to consider the feelings of any potential readers when writing any of my entries. However, since I am aware of the somewhat sensitive nature of some of my more recent entries, I will extend my previous entry with this, which was written in response to feedback left by a particular reader:


I'm conscious that my latest entry doesn't quite cover my full view of the subject, due to the fact that I couldn't be bothered to write an epic on it.

To be clear, my view is not that we should pointedly search out the fat, the skinny, the aesthetically unpleasant, and barrack them into conforming to a narrower social bandwidth. Ultimately, people make choices that make them what they are, but these choices are influenced - especially at a young age, by parenting. It is at the starting point that obesity and other such issues should be fought. Whinging that we have a horde of big people walking around is trying to shut the stable door after the horse has bolted, and there is little chance for success.

I long for an era of humanity which I'll never see. Where everything is socially acceptable because of the fact that society itself is no longer the focal point of acceptance. This requires a universal quality of upbringing which may be a practical impossibility. To expand the point, we're currently searching for extra-terrestrial life. What happens when we find it? The vicious circle of discrimination will doubtless start swinging once more, because we're socially engineered to defend our chosen method of existence.

I've bullied people in the past, and I've been on the receiving end of it also. The general point of the entry was that, while making obesity socially unacceptable isn't really a solution, it is superior to a legislative defence against social outcasting.

Have a nice day.

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Copyright Insane Bartender 2006-08-25 1:35 p.m.

e-mail me: Insane Bartender