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Mmmm... Civitas goodness

Ha, so I see the Civitas report berates the British public for indulging in 'mourning sickness'. The report notes that people are living such vacuous, empty lives that they need to make up for the lack of emotion and compassion in their meaningless existence by mourning tabloid lost ones, and dead celebrities.

Wow, that research must have taken a lot of effort.


I've been saying the same thing for years! I could probably have scribbled out the report myself with only a few random musing sessions and the odd dose of daytime television interspersed with a few tabloids and BBC News 24. Some snotty tosser has probably earned a prince's ransom to type out that obvious and inconsequential piece of shit, simply for stating what everyone already knows.

And will this magnanimous report actually change anything? Will it bollocks. The tabloid press have the British public by the balls. They say "jump", you say "how high", they say "villain", and the public get out their (by now well oiled) pitchforks and burning torches. Mind-numbing, soul destroying fatuous crap sells papers, and well they know it, and while it's nice to see that other people are at least acknowledging the problem, without various fundamental social reforms, media gagging orders and mass lobotomies, nothing will change.

So, I offer a slow and pedantic hand-clap to the witless idiots that took time out of their lives to get that report published, and will look down my nose at them and sneer until they choose to do something worthwhle, like banning north-sea fishing, saving rainforests, or discorvering some easily farmed renewable form of energy.

Because I really believe that those people are capable of doing something useful. No, really, I do.

You're right, I'm a crap liar.

2 message(s) of denial

Ben Langley - 2004-02-27 04:28:57

I don't so much blame the mourners themselves, they're cattle. It's the griefmongers fault, as you say, papers telling people to be upset when someone we don't know does something daft and dies.


Insane Bartender - 2004-02-27 04:31:24

A valid point, and people should not be manipulated in that way to take advantage of what seems to be a general modern human weakness. However, if people weren't so weak in the first place...


Copyright Insane Bartender 2004-02-25 1:11 p.m.

e-mail me: Insane Bartender