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I'm going to get crucified for writing this, but to be frank, I've really stopped caring.

Somebody needs to drop a nuke on Israel. Their reaction to the current issue is nothing short of horrific, and can only be termed terrorism itself. Can you imagine what the reaction from the international community would have been if we'd just said 'right, we're sick of these IRA idiots, let's just start forcibly destroying the entire nation's infrastructure and laying waste to some random civilians'? It would have caused the country to implode. We'd have been thrown out of the EU, had (more) trade embargoes slapped on us from every nation with any sense of propriety, and most likely would have been faced with military intervention from other countries. One of which would probably have been the USA.

So who's doing what with Israel. The answer is nobody of importance and nothing much at all. Who dares stand against Israel when any political attempt to do so is vetoed by the United States, and any military attempt is countered by half the western world (at the behest of the United States).

So long as Israel has as it's most prominent ally the most feared (yes, the world is terrified of the USA, which is not the best place for the USA to be in) nation on the planet, they're free to commit their atrocities with aplomb. All we can do is stick news cameras in there to get shot at in the meagre hope that the resulting images beamed back at us stir some kind of popular revolt. Unfortunately, our old friend apathy ensures that all the masses do is sit back in their armchairs and shake their overfed faces to and fro wondering why they just can't get along.

The first line in all of the history of this conflict should have been that you cannot displace an entire people against their will just to make way for other people who don't need a nation of their own. An overabundance of sympathy blinded the world into the most catastrophic error imaginable. But the problem is you can't fix it. You can't let the Israeli's keep what was once Palestine, because the Palestinians (and much of the rest of the Islamic world) will never forgive them for keeping their land. Generations of conflict have proven this. Nor can you give the land back to the Palestinians. This would not only embitter the Israelis and the worldwide Jewish community, but it would also throw a sizeable glob of egg on the face of the UN and, probably more importantly the USA.

The only equitable solution is to tactically nuke the borders of the entire nation and watch the whole useless glob of sand sink into the depths of the mediteranean. No land, no dispute. Get on with your lives.

Personally, I'm sick of hearing about the whole thing, and it's become impossible to sympathise with either side due to the increasing scale of atrocities being committed in the name of either terrorism or justice.

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Copyright Insane Bartender 2006-07-04 9:29 a.m.

e-mail me: Insane Bartender