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Dirty Cash I Want You

My increasingly potent ability to whinge is beginning to reap dividends. A mildly put complaint that I was more valuable to the company I work for than my package implied has resulted in a change of grade and an increase to my salary, without taking on any additional responsibilities. What is slightly concerning is the complete lack of pushback I received in getting that done. Perhaps I'm more valuable than I give myself credit for.

It occurs to me that the confidence to complain about your current pay and benefits are an absolute must if you want to get a fair pay package at the end of it. I used to think I was either rude, greedy or both for asking for more money. Especially in light of the fact that I earn well over twice now what I had dreamed of earning as a boy. Back then, I'd cooed about the possibility that I, too, could someday be pulling in �12000 a year. How expectations change.

In three year's time, I expect to be earning closer to �50,000 plus benefits, as I'll hopefully be fully qualified by then. Sounds nice and rich, but to put it into perspective, what I'd be earning in a year of long hours, stressful month-ends, cooking financial documents and jazzing up the business, David Beckham earns in 3 mornings of playing bad football on the Real Madrid training ground.

There's always a bigger fish. However pleased I am with my achievements, I'm always conscious that I could be doing better.No 'ifs', 'buts' or 'maybes', just plenty of catching up to do. For me, it's never really about being the best. You don't have to be number one to feel good about yourself. No, for me it's not about being better than everyone, just being better than most of what's around you.

In the not quite immortal words of Avril Lavigne, I'd rather be anything but ordinary. Mostly because ordinary people are stupid, but also because I have a lingering sense of general superiority.

Sensing the inconsistency yet?

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Copyright Insane Bartender 2006-07-26 10:57 a.m.

e-mail me: Insane Bartender