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The Bigot

Mel Gibson.

Need I really say more? If anyone needed an example of how the Jewish community in general receives far too much protection, all you need to do is look at the plight of this poor drunkard. I'm not going to go to great lengths to excuse his stupidity, I've not been a fan of his work ever since Braveheart - a great work of fiction, but historical nonsense. Many of his films since have just been self-indulgent trash, trying to take itself too seriously, and this coming from the guy who started off with Mad Max. Hmm?

But the - alleged - drunken muttering of 'Jews are behind every major war in the world' should not so quickly condemn this man to the mercy, or lack thereof, of the wolves. So he made a drunken accusation, so what? And how do we even know that he wasn't making some folly ridden effort to engage in drunken debate with the arresting officer?

Officer: Hey Mel, walk down this line please. By the way, what do you make of the Lebanon situation.
Mel: Itsh a dishgrace shon, Ishrael shouldun evuhn exshisht.
Officer: Mr Gibson - gets out pen and paper to record drunken utterings for money-spinning scandalous arrest report - whatever do you mean?
Mel: I mean that theshe Jewsh are the caush of all the war. And let me tell you shomething about yo' momma...

OK, so it's unlikely that events unfolded in quite that manner, but how do we know otherwise? All we have to go on is the arresting officer's report - Mel sure as shit doesn't have a clue what he said.

Now, I don't know what school of thought the pro-Semite brigade were educated in, but when someone says Jews are a cause of wars, that sounds like an invitation to debate, not a condemnation of the Jewish, or an open admittance of anti-Semitism. Similarly, when someone says 'I haven't seen anything that convinces me that the Holocaust happened in WWII', that again is an invitation to debate, and damn well should not be a criminal offence, which in some countries it is.

Personally, I think it's perfectly fair for someone to believe that Jews are the cause of a great deal of conflict. The view is perhaps a little mis-informed, but is not without merit.

I'm happy to debate it with anyone who has an alternative viewpoint, but to me, the creation of the Israeli nation via a cop-out from the United Kingdom, and sentimental meddling from the newly formed U.N. just so that the Jewish people had some compensation for the offences inflicted upon them by Nazi Germany is the cause of the instability of the entire Middle East and much of the root anger of the increasingly extremist elements of the Muslim world towards the West. It's not rocket science.

So forgive me if I'm not lining up with the rest of the pitchfork bearing idiots screaming against the bigotry of Mel Gibson. Sure, the man's a drunk, and he should know better. He is, after all, in a position of responsibility given his public profile and should think of the kids who look up to him (potentially) as a role model, and sort his shit out.

But the increasingly vigorous efforts of the Jewish community to silence any dissenting voice on their history or current affairs is, to me, a blatant defiance of freedom of speech. If Mel Gibson said that all Jews were fags, and stood on a soapbox whipping up frenzied plebs into gathering them up and burning them at the stake, I'd admit that there was a bit of an issue. Just as I'd say that screaming that blacks or asians were hellspawn and should be 'cleansed' from the gene pool or other such rubbish is unacceptable, and should be actively condemned.

The world is becoming politically correct to the point that we're almost actively being fed the acceptable way to think and being publicly humiliated and crucified for deviating from the chosen path. Now, I'm no bigot, and am not fond of people who are, but surely I'm not the only person who considers the current trend to be somewhat dangerous?


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Copyright Insane Bartender 2006-08-07 9:41 a.m.

e-mail me: Insane Bartender