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When the government comes out and says it has foiled a major terrorist plot to blow up planes in flight after leaving the UK, I tend to nod cautiously, congratulating the thankless work of the authorities as they persist in protecting a populace that wishes only that they didn't have to pay for their services through taxes.

To me, it's common sense that if you foil one plot, you watch your back for 'Plan B', and make sure that nothing has slipped through the fingers of your investigation. And so the unfortunate side-effect of the recent plot-busting that resulted from an encouraging co-operation between international authorities is the heightened security at airports denying passengers access to hand-luggage while on baord the aircraft. Of course, a radical and immediate change of security policy - however temporary - causes delays. But we should take this in our stride, accept the fact that it's being done to safeguard our security, and get on with life.

That's my opinion anyway.

So you can understand, I'm sure, the bewilderment that I feel to the popular reaction to the change in security level. The people are up in arms; furious that the powers that be have delayed their flights, and denied them access to in-flight reading material. Despite warnings that the threat comes in the form of smuggling explosives onto planes via hand-luggage (and this is shockingly easy to do), and detonating them by hand in flight, the line that the security is an over-reaction and completely unnecessary is not only misinformed to point of gross stupidity, but also demonstrates a completely outrageous selfishness which, while despicable and disappointing, is no real surprise.

Me? I'd rather leave on a late plane than one that left on time but got blown up en route. The conspiracy theorists are out in force, preaching to anyone that'll listen (an unfortunately large majority) that the state is recreating the government we all know and love from George Orwell's 1984. It is doing this, it seems, through a deliberately created atmospehere of terror, making the people feel that they are in danger of terrorist attack at any time.

I guess these people weren't around when the London transport system - and dozens of lives with it - was torn to shreds by suicide bombers last year.

Wake up and smell the fucking coffee you retards. The threat is real. How that threat came about, you can probably blame the government for, but blaming them for trying to protect you from people that want to blow you to smithereens because they think it will get them into Nirvana is hardly a sensible attitude.

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Copyright Insane Bartender 2006-08-11 8:42 a.m.

e-mail me: Insane Bartender