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Fat of the Land

And so it has been predicted that the UK will ave 13m obese people waddling the streets by 2010. This really shouldn't surprise anyone. We're shown these statistics in some poorly considered effort to make us gasp in shock and disgust, and reflexively yank the 3kg pack of Fatto Chips� from the grasp of the 8 stone and counting five year old sat at the breakfast table.

Unfortunately - largely thanks to the idiot PC brigade - this is not going to happen. You see, it's not socially unacceptable to be overweight anymore. Poking fun at a fat person is right up there with racism and beating underpriveleged kids with cattle-prods. We're just not allowed to do this sort of thing nowadays.

And so the deterrant is taken away, and the number of people who might once have thought 'no, I'll not eat that 5th big mac, I'll hit the 25 stone barrier and put additional pressure on myself in the playground where the other kids will mock my inability to move in anything other than a way one might expect of a bloated penguin with water-pipe surgically attached to its bladder, the other end of which is attached to a fire hydrant pumping out on full', has diminish quite considerably.

It may change. Medical science may someday allow us to live to the ripe old age of 200, and also extend the 'prime' of these years, giving us more time to enjoy life. Who's going to want to risk dying in their thirties then?

Unfortunately, they'll probably also come up with some way of curing the side-effects of our self-induced excesses as well, so I guess we'll always have bulbous gluttons so intent on chugging animal fat by the gallon that the third world is forced to make do on pulped corn and live maggots.

Unless, of course, we make it socially unacceptable again?

1 message(s) of denial

Fuzzem - 2006-08-25 07:59:05

I am once again feeling the need to comment. Where is it unacceptable to make fun of a fat person? For one case, USA...if you are skinny and with your friends, it is social to pick on the little one, the less attractive and more heavier person as means to making yourself feel better. I know, I use to be both of those girls...but I understand where you are coming just intrigue me.


Copyright Insane Bartender 2006-08-25 9:21 a.m.

e-mail me: Insane Bartender