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I have been absent for a while, and during that time the deterioration of humankind has continued apace. The term 'slippery slope' doesn't even begin to cover the sheer degree of self-destruction we're willing to apply in the modern environment.

But who am I to judge? Really. Given the vastness of the universe, the probability that we're the only life within it is incomprehensibly remote. Who am I to say that we should be the ones to evolve beyond the limits of our originating planetary mass? On a timescale relevant to the age of the universe itself, we're most likely not far from an age of interstellar travel between whatever forms of life exist even within our own galaxy. It's at that point that we need no longer worry about our own futures (not that we appear to do so at the moment), as we'll be taken care of quite swiftly. I can't believe that any truly intelligent form of life will tolerate sharing the galaxy with a creature intent on ploughing up and consuming all available resources without recourse simply to fulfill an insatiable need for self-gratification.

We are indeed a plague, and ultimately, we will be cured, most likely in a rain of fiery death, by any species smart enough to overcome intra-species animosity and the pursuit of personal wealth for the greater good of the species as a whole.

For all our endless fantasising that our efforts to delve into the fantastically huge mass of space will deliver only a war with some other aggressive space faring species, we should note that, in all of this, it is us who are the bad guys.

Oh, and in response to those less well considered comments planted on my previous entry. Yes, I'm aware of both, and don't particularly care that you've taken the time to address the point to me. You think you get to be like me without realising what you've become? Could you possibly be that simple?

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Copyright Insane Bartender 2006-09-18 9:35 a.m.

e-mail me: Insane Bartender