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Fucking French

I have just come to the inescapable conclusion that the French are a bunch of hypocritical retards.

Supposedly the great safe-house of Freedom Of Speech�, they have just passed into law a bill which states that it is now illegal to deny that the genocide of Armenians by the Ottoman Empire (now known as Turkey) actually happened.

Ignoring the fact that it was the French who armed the Armenians specifically with the purpose of slaughtering the Turks, the main issue is not whether or not the event actually happened, but rather the direct assault this bill makes on the ability of anyone in France to offer their opinion.

Flouting this law is punishable by a year in prison. A whole year. Simply for saying that there was no genocide, or that you didn't see enough evidence to convince you that it did.

What next, France? Eh? How about passing a bill that says the French are not allowed to state that Government policy is not necessarily in their best interests? Then you can dissolve most of the beaurocrats, and crown Jacques Chirac Emperor of France.

Utter fucking retards. And this also coming from a country that constantly attacks countries like Turkey for arresting people for speaking their mind.

The hypocrisy is enough to make my head explode. What the fuck is happening to this world? We're devolving into a bunch of dictatorships all over again!!

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Copyright Insane Bartender 2006-10-12 4:02 p.m.

e-mail me: Insane Bartender