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Wow. The Writing Community� are debating 'Mankind's need to believe in an afterlife'. I've posted a nice, politically correct summary of some of my thoughts on their discussion. Ever mindful not to upset their sensitivities, you see.

My real thoughts on this? I can sum it up quite simply. There is no afterlife. Why should there be? What would be the point, beyond the quite incomprehensible reward of eternal life given to those who quite tacitly have done nothing to warrant such a grand gesture?

There's no point arguing with that either. There is no deed so great that can justify an infinite reward. So why offer it for the simple virtue of living a life of truth and justice? What is truth but a story written with facts as a basis? What is justice but enforcement of the interpretation of a given act as right or wrong as defined by human beings themselves?

Humility? It's just sitting on your hands so that greater people than yourself can go about their business. Selflessness? By definition it cannot exist, especially if you are attempting to do it with the hope of the greatest reward on offer. Anything is a worthy price in the face of that, right?

People are weak, and when insecurity strikes, we reach for the comfort blanket and wrap ourselves up in the fatuous notion that because we're human, we're somehow alien to our own planet. Separate, despite our slow evolution from the primordial soup, from the very earth which supports our existence.

And then there is the nonsense around reincarnation. Please. Was I once someone else? Something else? Then why don't I remember? What would be the point of living more than one life if I couldn't learn from them? If I couldn't compare the experiences, and share them with my fellow beings? Perhaps these memories only become available between stints in the flesh? In which case, why? Why bother spending most of my time contemplating the meaning of life and the possible existence of and afterlife, when I could just pass on the memory which confirms the theory?

People waste too much time worrying about their immortal soul. Let me save you the trouble. You don't have one. And why would you? And something more, you don't need one. If life was supposed to be infinite, we wouldn't die in the first place, would we?

Get out there, stop pontificating and live your life while you still can. Alternatively, reaffirm your beliefs, and sit on your hands waiting for Heaven to envelope you. But if that's your decision, take my advice. Eat lots of fatty foods, have cake, smoke/intravenously inject drugs and drink alcohol. It'll cut your life in half, if not more. It's not suicide; it's a fastforward to paradise. Or maybe you know this already? I let an eye wander over the national obesity rates and wonder if you all know something I don't.



2 message(s) of denial

Fuzzems - 2006-10-30 20:22:19

But alas, there are certain things I agree with and certain things I disagree but we all have our own views... pertaining to the subject of previous lifetimes, some may say that feeling of familiar, dejas vous (sp) contributes to the knowledge of afterlife or previouse lives.


dickly rigitous - 2006-10-31 14:57:04

come on you reds and blues (with 30% black(s))!


Copyright Insane Bartender 2006-10-30 10:02 a.m.

e-mail me: Insane Bartender