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Cold Turkey

There is something fundamentally wrong with human rights legislation. That is, it applies to everyone. Consider the latest atrocity being committed under the guise of invasion of human rights. State prisoners - criminals - successfully suing the government for making them break their drug habits. The drug habits which, it should be noted, were in many cases largely to blame for them turning into criminals in the first place.

I'm no expert, but perhaps the compensation culture has gone a step too far. Why should human rights even apply to such people? It's ludicrous. Someone can steal, damage, smuggle or murder, but you still have to watch your step with your treatment of them, for fear of infringing their human rights.

Surely we have a duty to protect ourselves from those who would willfully infringe our rights, our laws and our freedoms. Surely the loss of rights is an acceptable justice for those who have no respect for the rights of others.

But nobody listens to me.

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Copyright Insane Bartender 2006-11-13 1:05 p.m.

e-mail me: Insane Bartender