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Blame the Parents

Amusing rant:

I blame the parents. Far too many mouth-breathing idiots are allowed to spew offspring at an alarming rate, regardless of their parental credentials, financial stability (or lack thereof), etc.

Now, I'll take a human rights battering for suggesting this (you can tell I've mentioned this before), but I personally believe that it should be patently illegal for anyone to have a child without first qualifying as a well informed and educated parent, able to look after their child, demonstrating that they have both the environmental and financial stability in which to bring up a child, and ultimately be able to provide documented proof that they are an able and suitable parent, able to commit the necessary resources (including time out of their own lives) to devote to the child's upbringing.

Ooh, I hear the anti-facist coo, 'it's my right to have children whenever I see fit'. Well, unto you Oh tree-hugging, ill-informed philistine I say this - it is my right to expect that my earnings will not be soaked up by taxes to subsidise your cost of living because you've had more children than you can afford. It is my right to expect that yet more money should not be spent forcing your ignorant spawn through education their malformed brains have no interest in. It is my right to expect that a bunch of mistreated rugrats will not be released upon the streets as the Ted Bundy's of tomorrow. It is my right to expect that you should be able to conduct your life with more in mind than sucking benefits, slapping children into reticence and stalking the high street with your children in pushchairs, wielded as battering rams with which you push, shove, scream and torture your way to fashion items on which you blow your fraudulently acquired cash when it should instead be concentrated on the oppressed hellspawn which allowed you to get it in the first place.

Democracy is a joke, because an overwhelming number of self-important plebian oafs who cannot even conduct their own lives properly are responsible for choosing who represents them on the national and international arena.

To be honest, it's a wonder humanity has survived as long as it has, and I count the days until nuclear armageddon - the only forseeable conclusion to our current predicament, because there is too much selfishness inherent in humans to work together to make things work - takes us all in a puff of life-consuming smoke.


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Copyright Insane Bartender 2004-03-09 4:29 p.m.

e-mail me: Insane Bartender