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It's time to stop pulling punches. Time to stop catering for the unfathomably large number of idiots in this world, and start blaring out common sense. No. I can't use the term common sense, as it assumes that such sense is common. It's not. It's like fucking rocking horse shit. I'm sick to death of the pass-the-buck moron culture this world has been developing in the last 20 years or so. It might have been going on longer than this, but I wasn't even walking until the early 80's.

Surely, even as you read this, you know who I'm talking about. The people that don't exist, because you've never met them, and yet are everywhere at the same time. The one's that point the finger at computer games when some teenager hacks up his friends, or blame violent movies instead if they find out that said kid didn't own a games console. The people that blame the internet for things like child porn and the proliferation of other so-called 'anti-social' activities.

I have one word for these tossers. BULLSHIT!!

It really saddens me that people are so blind, that they live such a directionless and flailing existence that they have to blame anything that they personally dislike for the problems we face today. Blame anything except anything logically attached to the roots of these problems.

It never seems to cross the minds of these people that most of the people storing and looking at child porn on the net were paedophiles long before the dubbya-dubbya-dubbya was even conceived. That's right - these problems existed before the internet. So did anorexia, another hot topic at the moment, as these people group together on the internet and swap tips on how to get ever thinner. Do you seriously believe that these people thought they were alone before they had web pages introducing them to one another? Don't make me laugh.

Shit, you can even hire thugs to hurt people for you on the internet, do you think thugs didn't exist before either?

Shutting down the internet, as some people are advocating - have been for years - will not make any of these problems go away. Indeed, the problems will likely get worse, as they can now do so in a more private fashion, away from public scrutiny, and the heightened media attention the internet affords.

The answers to these problems, as with all other problems, lies at the grass roots level. Right at the beginning. At childhood, at upbringing and juvenile environment, at school and education. Stop raising a society of poorly parented misfits, and you cut off the problems at source. Sure, you'll still have the freaks that have already made themselves a part of this society, but how long can they last?

Let's be clear here. The internet never killed anyone, or harmed anyone in any way. Neither have computer games, or violent movies. Neither has exposure to any of the above altered someone's mental state to the extent that they felt the need to go on a violent murdering rampage. If that were the case, I'd have slaughtered thousands by now.

The sloth-brained buffoons that argue otherwise would say that I'm simply not the right type of person to do such a thing. The fucking irony is amazing. No fucking shit, you stupid bastards. Ever get the feeling you can't see the wood for the fucking trees? The answer is right there - I'm not that type of person. Why? Because I wasn't raised to be a murdering psycho-in-waiting you muppets.

I can't be bothered. It's like banging my head against a brick wall. No matter how many times you point to the facts, the fatuous peasants continue to ignore the logic, and the lack thereof evident in their own arguments. This is another reason why I don't believe in any God. If we're supposed to be some divine creation, how come the vast majority of us are thick as pig-shit? Surely most of these fuckers must struggle to find their way through doors on a day to day basis? What a truly sad state of affairs.

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Copyright Insane Bartender 2004-09-03 2:58 p.m.

e-mail me: Insane Bartender