Older entries
The Year of My Lament
The Melancholeric Epiphany
Sleeping with the Enemy
Stupid Cupid
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My Notes
Write Words

Before I journey down the road of unleashing my usual vitriolic ranting, a round of supercilious verbiage aimed at outraging the ignorant and barely sentient apathetic masses, I'd like to pose a question.

Why are you reading this?

Seriously, why do you even care? I apologise if you're reading this diary for the first time, after clicking a link on one of my crappy banners, or you've googled something that you really shouldn't have been searching for in the first place ("DOES BUM SEX HURT YOU" being a recent example of a search that inexplicably landed the searcher onto my diary, in which very little of the health consequences of anal sex are discussed in any real detail). This question is directed more at those (very) few who take the time to read the barely legible toss that is spewed from my malfunctioning synapses on a very irregular basis.

What is it that interests you? Some morbid desire to see the depths to which I continue to fall? A deep-seated need to look down on someone living a life even less entertaining and fulfilling than your own? I cannot bring myself to believe that it is through some misplaced feeling of empathy, a feeling of understanding my feelings, and agreeing with my sentiments on the continuing depreciation of the vaue of humanity.

So what is it? Do my rants amuse you? Do you garner some small level of entertainment reading about the increasingly pathetic life of an impotent tosser on another continent raging against the darkness? Or do you read, as some do, looking for the errors to pick up on and call me up for? Do you read in some mistaken belief that by doing so, I have somehow shared my problems, and thus lessened them? Could you be mistaken enough to think I care whether or not you found the little time and considerable patience required to trawl through the pleonasmic acrimonia that so heavily litters this pathetic attempt at an outlet for my feelings?

Think carefully before you answer.

0 message(s) of denial

Copyright Insane Bartender 2006-07-10 12:32 p.m.

e-mail me: Insane Bartender