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Question: How do you look for signs of telepathy between individual human beings?

Answer: I'll answer this initially by telling you how you do not do it. And that is by strapping people to a VR headset and have them manipulate simulated objects in the hope that another person strapped into another VR headset is playing with the same thing.

Maybe I'm missing something - and I try not to discount the possibility - but all you're ever going to achieve is a study on individuals and their similar thought processes, how upbringing can affect future choices, and all that kaboosh. It's an airy fairy paranormal way to approach something that is fundamentally scientific.

What is telepathy but a theoretical method of non-verbal communication between individuals. The theory being that people can communicate through non-audio/visual stimuli. So, if it's not sound, and it's not vision, if it's not vibration or touch, what is it? Direct brain to brain communication requires some medium to get from one point to another. You're not going to get a message across from one person to the next without some method of transporting it. There's no magic here, no intervention from the spirit world or some hocus pocus nonsensical hippy babble toss. For telepathy to exist, there has to be a transfer of some form of energy from point a to point b. Surely then, scientific efforts to prove/disprove the possibility of the function should focus on this area?

Nah. Why bother with proper, progressive science when you can go to work in the lab and sit around all day playing video games. Bunch of tossers.

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Copyright Insane Bartender 2006-07-19 10:19 a.m.

e-mail me: Insane Bartender