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writing star - 2004-06-04 09:59:20

the problem isn't id cards or tracking. the problem is the immense databse of personal information the government (yours and mine) is building, and who has access to it. how can we be sure some civil servant in liverpool won't type in your name on a routine traffic search and come up with your entire medical history? the more centralized your personal information is, the easier it is for someone to steal it, or use it against you.


Ladybug - 2004-06-04 16:28:54

Not to mention identity theft. In Canada there have been quite a few cases lately of people stealing social security numbers from government databases and using them to get out of paying taxes, taking out false lines of credit etc... Besides, they still haven't created a currency that can't be forged so certainly someone somewhere would come up with a way to create fake id's and then they are about as reliable as the good ol' driver's license. The government isn't good at this kind of thing.


tv - 2004-06-06 14:23:59

People who are concerned that a national ID would violate their civil liberties shouldn't be allowed to vote? All an ID can offer is exclusion.


tv - 2004-06-06 14:25:12

People who are concerned that a national ID would violate their civil liberties shouldn't be allowed to vote? All an ID can offer is exclusion.


Insane Bartender - 2004-06-07 03:26:41

Hello my pretties. I'm sure data security is a valid issue, and a very solid one at that, but this isn't where my issue lies. It's the fatuous morons screaming that their civil freedom is infringed simply because the government knows more about you. Human beings are, in (very) general (sweeping generalisation alert) too stupid to be allowed off the leash for the most part anyway. In short, I'm all for the real issues being highlighted (data integrity, cleanliness and security), but ignorant pigs squealing because someone wants to introduce a change - any kind of change, makes my blood boil. Hnece the rant, I guess.


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