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Some people are so fucking stupid it makes me goddamn furious. John Reid, UK Health Secretary, you are a fucking muppet. An absolute prick of the highest fucking order. Why are you these things, I hear you beg from your extravagant and luxurious Westminster office?

Here's why:

"People from those lower socio-economic categories have very few pleasures in life and one of them they regard as smoking"

Muuuuh!!! Fucking MUUUUUUH!!! You absolute fucking idiot retard! Shall we play a little game, monkey boy? How about we guess the reasons that the poor stay poor, and have few pleasures in life?

Question number one:

What habit soaks up cash regularly, and results in a wide variety of health problems, but is still indulged by a large proportion of people of a "low socio-economic" persuasion?

Answer: Smoking! That's right!

If a 'poor' person smoking 20 a day gave up, and instead put away the cash they would spend on cigarettes towards, say, a holiday, that would save something like �5 a day. In a year, that would accumulate �1,820. With that money, the guy can go on holiday anywhere he damn well pleases. All-inclusive 5 star hotels beckon. But instead, this person is smoking.

Of course, it's more often the case that you'll get a couple smoking, mother and father perhaps, with a good chance that their eldest child is puffing away their young lungs as well. So say savings of 60 a day. That's almost �5,500 saved every year. Dr. Reid, you fatuous cunt, are you seriously telling me that the working classes have 'the pleasure' of smoking, when, if forced to quit, they could effectively increase the income by more than 50% of the major breadwinner? Fuck off you stupid tosser. If they weren;t smoking, they'd have more 'pleasure' to be happy about, and less chance of lung cancer and heart disease, you fucking absolute disgrace.

I have never so quickly turned to despise someone as I have today against you, you sad little man.

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Copyright Insane Bartender 2004-06-09 11:42 a.m.

e-mail me: Insane Bartender