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Cards, Pins and Folly

I've just read a little news article which has brought me pretty close to wanting to repeatedly slam my head into a wall.

The article was in relation to the 'new' chip and pin cards that have been hitting doorsteps everywhere for some months now. Apparently, shoppers are 'wary' of the new cards.

Reading such a headline, I couldn't resist the urge to read on. I know I shouldn't be surprised when I'm confronted with profound examples of human stupidity - I should be used to it by now - but this really did take the biscuit.

20% of people with the new cards are refusing to use their pins and still insisting on signing receipts. Now, that may not send a powerful message to you, but to me, that says that 20% of people with chip and pin cards are irretrievably retarded.

It's not a great leap of logic, is it? With a signature in plain sight for all to see on the back of your card, it's never going to be difficult for someone to copy it. How though, can someone copy a pin that is stored in the dark recesses of your memory? The answer to that is simple - unless you tell them what it is, they can't know it! So why refuse to use something that prevents fraud?

I sincerely hope that every one of those 20% get financially arse-raped by fraudsters, I really do. It's what they deserve.

More classic material, however, was available after reading a little more of the article. Apparently, many people aren't using the pin service because they haven't memorised their number. This is the sort of thing that has baffled me for years. How fucking hard can it be to remember a four digit number. People remember phone numbers, addresses, complex routines and timings for tasks and activities, but they can't remember four fucking numbers? This is just incomprehensible, it really is.

Furthermore, some of those refusing to enter their pin actually blame a lack of enthusiasm from the shop staff for their refusal. What the fuck? What the goddamn hell has the enthusiasm of some downtrodden, overworked, underpaid till-pleb got to do with whether or not you practice self-protection from card fraud? "Oh maggot-ridden till boy, you did not smile enough at me when prompting me to enter my pin, I shall therefore decline to do so, and insist you print off a signable receipt, that I may authenticate myself that way instead". Really? What kind of utter twat would come out with that sort of shit?

But it doesn't even end there. Yet more of these retarded oxygen thieves say that they refuse to use the system because it makes them nervous. Holy fucking shit! What medieval cave did they drag these amish hippies out of? If using your pin number scares you, you're going to fucking shit yourself when you discover the internet.

I mean, does stupidity come any thicker than this? You don't need me to answer that directly, because the article didn't end there.

Some of those not using the new service, the real ignorants, the ones barely classifiable as human that should be slaughtered indiscriminately at the first opportunity, actually had the shocking audacity to blame their banks for not explaining the process to them properly. They surely can't be serious! How hard can it be? You know the point at which you usually sign a receipt? Well instead of doing that, you enter a 4 digit pin into this little machine. How can you fail to understand that you fucking retarded bastards?!?! There is absolutely no excuse for being that stupid, and if you can't understand something as absolutely basic as that, I really have to question how these abominations manage to dress themselves in the morning, and what they're doing being unleashed upon the world as consumers is an absolute mystery to me.

I seriously want to cause physical harm to the idiots described above. They have no right to go on living.

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Copyright Insane Bartender 2004-12-15 12:40 p.m.

e-mail me: Insane Bartender