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In God's Name

And so the use of President Bush's veto has been confirmed. Well done sir. Once again, you have dealt a hammer blow to the filthy heathens that threaten our glorious and divine race of God-moulded human beings. For another hour, at least, our pure and magnificent souls, the vessels with which only we as a people can use to travel from this life to the next, are safe from the unGodly perversions of medical science.

I have no doubt that the European heretics will continue to debase their God-given lives, and press on with this foul and Devilish method of research. But the day of reckoning is surely at hand. Almighty God will smite those who seek to pervert our souls, and will reward those who serve his will faithfully.

The blessed and divine nation of the United States of America cannot afford to tolerate this foul heresy, much less promote it. Ultimately, it will fall to us to enact judgement on the unGodly heretical states of Europe. Starting, preferably, with those damned pacifists and Arab sympathisers in France.

God wills it.

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Copyright Insane Bartender 2006-07-20 11:08 a.m.

e-mail me: Insane Bartender