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Write Words
Watch your step, oh watchers

Because I am aware of the audience this 'diary' attracts, I am, unfortunately, unable to divulge in any great detail the reasons as to why I'm currently burning with outright rage right now. This hinders my ability to exorcise these feelings, and leaves me even more frustrated. One potential way around this issue would be for me to stop writing in this hopeless well of impotence and find some other site to vent my spleen without the need to worry about who might be reading it.

Perhaps another diaryland logon. Perhaps a carefully edited MySpace, or a blogspot, or something else entirely. I wonder if paranoia seeps into those who wish to monitor me via my postings here at the mention of losing this little inlet into my private thoughts. Perhaps those people might like to consider exactly how private these thoughts really are given that I know who's watching?

Can any of you really claim to know anything useful from what I have posted here? I could be sowing lies into the fields of your vacuous minds; great, magnificent deceptions designed to twist your lack of understanding to undiscovered depths.

Perhaps you should consider this, while I consider taking my musings elsewhere. If you lose this portal into my ragged scraps of thought, will you lose a piece of me as well?

A piece of yourself?

I'm angry. Yes. Pissed off, and perhaps not quite justifiably so. The reasons for these feelings are insignificant next to the fact that those feelings were deliberately provoked, and it is that which is difficult to overlook.

My mind has turned to violence, and I sit here waiting for my hands to stop shaking. Do not do this to me again.

1 message(s) of denial

Lambert - 2006-11-07 18:50:05

Hm.. I'm not sure about what has gotten you angry.. but good luck with that. I don't know about your other readers, but I think that I would be greatly disappointed to find that this diary abandoned. I may not be recieving any soul-shattering experiences by reading, but I certainly have been interested in what I have seen so far.


Copyright Insane Bartender 2006-11-07 9:17 p.m.

e-mail me: Insane Bartender