Older entries
The Year of My Lament
The Melancholeric Epiphany
Sleeping with the Enemy
Stupid Cupid
'Up to 8MB'
My Notes
Write Words
Still Writing

Of course, the inevitability of some form of mild opprobrium directed towards me by the WriteWords veterans was to be expected. It was deliberate that I allowed them direct access to this site, that they would see my words and my feelings towards them. At least no-one has told me to fuck off yet. Not directly.

As at least one paid member mentioned in the lounge (to which I do not have access), 'they all come back in the end'. I am no exception, as this is my thrid appearance there. The initial welcome (the welcome I'm officially incapable of viewing) has worn off though, and while I have posted in the forum noting my intent to avoid controversy (this website notwithstanding), I will avoid further posting, at least on the forum, until it is made clear whether or not my continued presence will be tolerated, or made an uphill struggle. I am quietly hoping for the former.

I wonder if any of the dozens of visits I have received from WriteWords members have read more than that one entry which concerned their community? I suppose I could check the stats, but I currently have a banner running, and I'm getting a lot of visits from other sources anyway. Given their inherent curiosity, I'll assume they probably have, although some will inevitably have taken offence at my previous comments, and blotted me from memory.

While I have asked for understanding, I will not offer apology. I've apologised for comments on here too often already. I cannot, and should not have to apologise for, or even justify my own thoughts, regardless of my tendency to offer them up in a somewhat irresponsible manner.

Ah, the hypocrisy of my own arguments. Sometimes I astound even myself.

1 message(s) of denial

fuzzems - 2006-10-13 07:53:13

You write something in your heart you know to be true, there is no real way to say sorry because you still feel or believe in those words. Apologies are not needed. Your openness is a blessing and they should read beyond the words, and into the true context of the words. I applaud your incapability for apologizing for the last entry. If you did, you would be who you are writing about.


Copyright Insane Bartender 2006-10-13 8:57 a.m.

e-mail me: Insane Bartender