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The Games We Play

Why am I so obsessed with playing computer games? This is something I am becoming increasingly perplexed about. I know I have other things that need to be done when I get home from work, but rather than do them, I jump straight onto my PC, load up Championship Manager or KOTOR, and play away until bedtime, pausing only to cook and eat dinner.

What is wrong with me? I need to tighten the bolts on my cross-trainer. Shit, I need to start using the fucking thing again. I need to follow it up by using my weights, need to spend more time on my writing so I can finally put the new evolutions of Half-Life, Blood Lust and my other stories down on paper, rather than leaving them swilling around my head like poison.

So much to do, I always say, so little time. Yet I know I could easily find three hours EVERY DAY simply by not playing games on my PC. Is my need so great, or my alternatives so poor that I must do this to myself? I know it isn't for want of better alternatives that I play. I love exercising, I love writing, I love reading and developing new skills. But somehow I lack the willpower to drag myself away from my games collection to do any of these things.

I must find the strength to resist this temptation, and use my time to better effect. I know I can make a novel of any one of five or six stories mulling about my brain. I need only take the time to make my vision a reality.

Can it be done? I certainly hope so.



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Copyright Insane Bartender 2004-01-09 9:39 a.m.

e-mail me: Insane Bartender